Silvan Shalom

Silvan Shalom

    Silvan Shalom, MK
    Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development and the Development of the Negev and the Galilee
    Foreign Minister of Israel 2003-2006

      Silvan Shalom

    Silvan Shalom was born in Tunisia in 1958 and immigrated to Israel in 1959. He holds a degrees in Economics (B.A.) and Accounting (C.P.A.) from Ben-Gurion University, as well as a law degree (L.L.B.) and an M.A. in Public Policy from Tel Aviv University. He is a journalist by profession.

    In 1990 he served as Director-General of the Ministry of Energy and from 1990-1992 as Chairman of the Board of the Israel Electric Company. From 1992-1993 he was Deputy Chairman of the Public Council of Youth Exchange.

    First elected to the Knesset in 1992, he has served on the Knesset Committees on Foreign Affairs & Defense, Economic Affairs, Education and Culture. Finance, State Control, Constitution, Law and Justice, and Status of Women, and has chaired the Knesset Committee on Energy.

    From 1997-1998 Shalom served as Deputy Minister of Defense, and as Minister of Science from 1998 until July 1999. From 2001-2003 he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and from February 2003 until January 2006 as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    In March 2009, Silvan Shalom was appointed Vice Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development and the Development of the Negev and the Galilee. 

    Silvan Shalom has served as a member of the Executive of the Broadcasting Authority and of the Board of the Israel Airport Authority, as well as an advisor to the ministers of Finance, Economy and Planning and Justice. He has published articles in daily newspapers.

    He is married and the father of five.